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8 results found with "Roman (AD 43-410)"

Low Ham mosaic

This Roman mosaic is the oldest object in Britain to tell a complete story. It was made for the bath complex at Low Ham Roman villa in about AD 350....

Lead pig ingot

The Romans took control of lead mining on the Mendip Hills shortly after the conquest in AD 43. Once smelted, the lead was cast into rectangular blocks, now known as...

Figurine of Minerva

This Roman bronze figurine depicts Minerva (goddess of wisdom and healing) in aegis (protective cloak) and tunic with her right arm raised. It dates from AD 300-400 and was found...

Figurine of Capricorn

Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, has the head of a goat and the body of a fish. Capricorn was also the emblem of the Roman armyês Second Legion...

Figurine of Mercury

This Roman bronze figurine depicts Mercury (Hermes) (messenger of the gods) in a winged hat and shoes, holding a money bag in his right hand. It dates from AD 300-400...

Frome Hoard

During the Roman period money became part of everyday life for the first time. This hoard of 52,503 Roman coins was found buried in a pot near Frome. It...

East Coker mosaic

This mosaic panel shows two hunters returning home after a successful day with a deer slung on a pole. Below them is their hunting dog. The mosaic comes from a...

Figurine of Mars

This Roman bronze figurine depicts Mars (god of war) nude apart from plumed helmet, raising his right arm. It dates from AD 300-400 and was found in the Roman temple...

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